Πέμπτη 11 Ιουνίου 2015

The Church of God and the Same-Sex Marriage Ruling.

Sometime shortly—perhaps within this month—the Supreme Court will hand down its ruling in the same-sex marriage case. Many longtime Court observers say it is likely they will conclude that same-sex civil marriage is a constitutional right. If so, it will mean increased liberty for gays and lesbians who wish to marry; it will also lead to increased pressures on religious organizations and individuals who believe that marriage is fundamentally between a man and a woman.

The Church of God believes that we owe obedience to a loving God who undoubtedly knows best when he lays down rules for human conduct, and He has instituted marriage only between a man and a woman. To protect the church’s First Amendment rights of religious freedom, the 2014 International General Assembly formalized in legal language the long-standing position of the church. The measure reads, in part, as follows:
Church of God ministers, whether an ordained minister or ordained bishop, shall only perform or participate in marriage ceremonies or marriage blessings between one man and one woman, as marriage is defined in the Bible. This policy also is applicable to Church of God ministers who serve in capacities outside the scope of normal pastoring, such as military, hospital, and corporate chaplains (Minutes of the 75th International General Assembly, p. 192).
The measure is more far-reaching. For example, it states that facilities owned by the church may not be used for same-sex marriage celebrations or related gatherings. It further explains that members of the clergy who fail to adhere to the guideline will forfeit their ministerial credentials.
The statement also advocates a compassionate, Christlike attitude when dealing with persons in same-gender relationships, and recommends that competent counselors be identified to whom they may be referred.

Pastors may seek the guidance of administrative bishops about the spiritual direction they might follow in ministering to gender-conflicted individuals. The following articles and essays may be helpful.
This is a collection of articles from Christianity Today dealing with the topic.
“What Does the Bible Say About Same-sex Marriage?”
(This article appeared earlier this month in First Monday, an online publication of the Office of the General Overseer)
June 9, 2015

Παρασκευή 5 Ιουνίου 2015


Την ερχόμενη Κυριακή 7 Ιουνίου στις 10:30, στην Εκκλησία μας του Θεού πλήρους Ευαγγελίου, θα έχουμε την χαρά, την τιμή και την ευλογία να δούμε και να ακούσουμε τον ευλογημένο ποιμένα Σεραφείμ Αντωνίου με την ευλογημένη σύζυγό του Μπεβ.
On next coming Sunday June 7th, 10:30, at our Church of God full Gospel, we'll have the joy, the honor and the blessing to see and listen the blessed Pastor Serafim Antoniou Antoniou, as well his blessed wife Bev.
Είναι ο άνθρωπος που ο Θεός τού'χει δείξει σε ολοζώντανο όνειρο στη διάρκεια μιας Ορθόδοξης κηδείας στην Αυστραλία τι Αυτός θα κάνει στην Ελλάδα στη δική Του ώρα σχετικά με την απελευθέρωση του Λαού Του! 
He is the man that God has shown him in a day vision during an Orthodox funeral in Australia what He will do in Hellas/ Greece at His own time regarding His People deliberation! 
See the VISION FOR GREECE here:http://www.visionforgreece.com.au/index.html