It’s true that
many people wrestle with called loneliness. Being alone does not
necessarily mean that one has to be lonely. Loneliness, according to the
dictionary, is a condition where a person is "affected with, characterized
by, or causing a depressing feeling of being alone."
God does not want
anyone to struggle with or be defeated by loneliness. Many people hate to have
this feeling and place themselves prematurely in wrong relationships in an
attempt to overcome this feeling. BIG MISTAKE! Just because you are with
someone in a relationship (even a marriage) does not mean that you will not
wrestle with loneliness. A second definition I found for loneliness reads,
"...destitute of sympathetic or friendly companionship, intercourse, or
Many have found
out the hard way that even after marriage their spouse may fall short of their
expectations. This is especially true if they married a person God has not
intended for them or an immature spouse. If your spouse does not try, know how
to, or care about fulfilling emotional and physical needs for attention and
companionship, you may STILL suffer from loneliness. Even worse, hurt,
distrust, and low self-esteem, etc.. may result from a broken relationship. Add
these with loneliness and you have an emotional wreck.
To help you avoid
falling into these traps and overcoming loneliness I prayed and asked God for
some points to share.
Realize That You Are Not Alone
Our natural mind
and the enemy (satan) often try to trick us to believe we are alone and that we
are the only person dealing with certain situations (see 1 Kings 19:14). This
is certainly not true. Proverbs 18:24 tells
us, "...there
is a friend who sticks CLOSER than a brother" (emphasis mine).
This refers to God Himself. He is always watching us, with us, and for us. We
are often unaware of this and the LORD JESUS CHRIST is the last person we focus
on. The Good News are that, the more you recognize and "in all your ways
acknowledge Him (Proverbs 3:6)," He will be that much more real to you.
James 4:8 says, "Draw to God and He will
draw near to you..." The more time,
energy, and devotion you spend toward God in the Word, prayer, and casual
conversation the more He will draw closer to you, affirming you by His
Presence. This means He will reveal more of how close He ACTUALLY is. This
may come through dreams, visions, discerning His presence, Him taking away
loneliness, grief, depression, etc. Both of these acts require faith. When you
first begin to confess, "God is a friend that sticks closer than a
brother," you may feel nothing at first. But overtime "by faith"
the reality of this truth will become more apparent in your life.
Jesus gave us the
Holy Spirit as a "Comforter." Because God created your heart and mind
He is the ONLY person who has the blueprint to them. He knows exactly when and
how to comfort you and re-energize you, even when you allow yourself to get
beat down, defeated, discouraged, or wrestle with loneliness.
2. Discern Your God-Sent
We agree that we are
admonished to be friendly and kind to everyone but not everyone can be our
friend. There are specific people appointed by God for you to be in
relationship (friendship) with. You cannot get to your destiny without them and
they cannot get to theirs with you. There is a mutual dependence, that I can
see throughout my personal experience, knowledge and theology that serves to
His holy – pleasant and perfect Will, for those who are brotherly friends! God
specifically chose Prince Jonathan for King David. They loved each other like
brothers. God specifically chose twelve disciples to accompany Jesus. We see
this throughout the Bible.
Many times people
struggle with loneliness but neglect to trust that there are specific people
God has already handpicked for their lives. When you pray, trust God will send
these people into your life. Very often we miss them because they may not look,
talk, or think like you. They may come from very different backgrounds and have
different interests but there will be common ground that will serve for a
higher purpose. People often only befriend those who are similar to themselves
out of fear or ignorance but God works beyond our thinking.
In the book of
Ruth, Ruth lost her husband and had a choice to start a new life or remain with
her mother-in-law. Our minds would say, "Leave and start over, Ruth,"
but she chose to "cleave" to Naomi, her mother-in-law (see Ruth 1:14).
After losing a spouse or leaving a bad relationship a person is often
vulnerable and sensitive. Ruth chose to stay in friendship with someone whom
she had known and trusted through the years. Often there is security and
comfort in familiarity. The story ends with Ruth marrying the right man at the
right time, and he was a gentleman and very WEALTHY! So it worked out for her.
Many miss
friendships because of defensive walls that are up due to past hurts, fear of
being rejected or judged, or they simply don't know how to be a friend
themselves. Proverbs 18:24 says, "A man that has friends
must show himself friendly..." This means there are some things you need to do on your end to make and
maintain friendships, like not being jealous of others, not competing, showing
humility, avoiding selfish actions, being condescending, and not backbiting.
Also, don't wait on the other person to initiate friendship. You must
"show yourself friendly."
3. Connect and Stay Connected with the Body of Christ
Hebrews 10:25 commands
us, "Not forsaking
the assembling of ourselves..."Another version
reads, "Don't stop
meeting together..."
What better place
to make friends than a place with people who have the common ground of Jesus
Christ as God and have the same belief systems (in theory anyway). That is the
way God ordained His earthly Kingdom. Often God will use someone in the Body of
Christ to comfort us or meet our needs for companionship, finances, inner or
outer healing, etc. No one can grow into their full spiritual potential
while being disconnected from the Body of Christ.
4. A Gift From God
Being alone is not
always negative. Often it is a gift of God. Only when we are alone can we
discover our true identity. Moses discovered that he was to be deliverer of
Israel from Egypt when he was ALONE on the backside of the desert and
encountered the burning bush. Jesus spent 40 days ALONE in the wilderness when
He began to walk in the power of the Spirit and do miracles. John the Baptist
was in the desert places, ALONE, until the day of his showing. Many others
throughout history have discovered their potential, identity, strengths,
weaknesses, life goals, and visions for the future while in their time of
singleness or solitude. You can be alone but not be lonely. Enjoy your gift
from God UNTIL.
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